Are you looking for a proven way to make good money working from home?If you are looking for something that you can build up at no or little cost—a real home based business that can be built from the ground up, than you should give some serious consideration to Affiliate Marketing.
If you are not sure what that is, let me explain. Most people have heard of Google Search—thousands of people are looking every day for things on Google. They usually do their research and comparisons on line to see what the best or lowest price is, or what item has the best review.
Well how would you like to be the one to fill their need once they have made their decision? In other words, they now come to you, to get their product or service.
Don’t get worried, you do not have to stock hundreds of products, in fact you do not hold ANY inventory at all. All you do is guide that potential customer to the website of the supplier of the product that they are looking for—or the company that provides the service that they are looking for, and the Googler can now buy direct from the source.
The best thing about this arrangement is that YOU now get paid a very good commission for sending this customer to the supplier. You have now become an AFFILIATE for the seller.
Now the best part is the fact that because people are searching every day for HUNDREDS of items or services, you can become an affiliate for several products and suppliers. So this gives you the opportunity to build a very substantial business, with no or very little cost.
Now if you ask the question –How do I learn to become an affiliate marketer? We, at Prudentpicks, have found two very simple courses that will teach you all that you need to know to start an affiliate marketing business.
The first is geared towards those people who like to study from a manual, and is called The Affiliate Marketer Schoolbook by Laura Burke. It is a 416 page course divided into 47 short lessons including 12 tutorial videos all explained in simple terms to help you build your own business successfully.
The second course is for those who prefer to learn by watching videos. It is called Affiliate Marketing 4 Newbies by Dwayne Garrett. This course has 36 videos which show the step by step process to setting up an affiliate marketing program for those people who have no idea how to get started.
After reviewing these 2 courses, both of which are very comprehensive, what we specifically liked about the second one is the fact that the premise of this course is how to start WITHOUT the necessity of paying any money to build the business.
The other good thing is that both these programs come with a money back guarantee.
FOR MORE INFORMATION and your FREE E-BOOK visit our site: